Okapi Copycat

Wordy Earl's Rural Wool Whirly World
ZG 2023-01-04
Spanish Fish Flushed Rash Research Rush
ZG 2023-01-04
"Bee Boy" born by Bjorn Yorns's Brown Yarn Barn cleans calm clansman's clam canning camp.
ZG 2023-01-04
"Soon I see icy seesaw spoon," said Sioux Sue the pseudo sous chef.
ZG 2023-01-04
Find Fine Brian's Flying Wines
ZG 2022-12-12
Private purple polo people peeping Papa's puppies.
ZG 2022-09-07
Caveman Ben has been a has-been con-man since Vince convinced concave Constance to dance, man.
MH 2021-08-09
Peiper’s pied piper spied Peiper’s pied piper‘s wife piping Peiper‘s pied piper‘s wife‘s piping-fife.
MH 2020-09-10
An ignoble, jazzy, ill noblewoman in the Netherlands skipped her misspelled introduction to the facilities at the Jumprope Corps outpost, and the headline reads: Base, sick Dutch Duchess double-bassist ducks double-dutch “Base Basicks” [sic]
MH 2020-05-15
Fine Finnish fish-dinner-finishers find finishing fins in fine Finnish fish dinners fine.
MH 2020-04-05
Okapi copycat copycats copy okapi copycats.
MH 2020-03-15
Um, can I inform you (in uniform cuneiform) of some unconformed unicorn uniforms some “canoe-you ‘corn cruise” canoes‘ crews‘ uninformed unicorns formed?
MH 2019-11-06
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